Meeting held at My Father’s Place in Oneonta
(15) HOPS Members in attendance
Many orders of business were discussed including:
- Bring your favorite beer infused food recipes to swap at the December meeting (just the recipes, not the actual food)
- Possibly having a “cut throat” beer related present swap at the January meeting
- February meeting to have the 2nd annual brew your best Cereal beer competition
- Having clone beer competition in the future, but with the twist that you will pick which beer you would be brewing out of a hat
- Will investigate the TAP NY beer festival on April 25 and 26, 2015 for group rates and possibly renting a limo/van or carpooling (as Ben and Amanda may have contacts for discounted group transportation to/from the event)
- Chris to check into getting HOPS club business cards from Vista print for use at Snommegang and other beer related gatherings
- Need to procure a gavel for presidential usage at club meetings
- Wes presented a spiked beer tasting. This demonstrated the sour/acidic flavor that a beer can develop from conditions such as wild yeast contamination or equipment that was not cleaned adequately. On a side note, adding vinegar to Bud Lite actually improves its taste, though this is not usually the case with most palatable beers.
- Ben gave a presentation on a magnificent programmable brew kettle called the Breumister.
- Membership dues ($10) were collected from those present. Chris is to obtain the Brew Club insurance with a portion ($3.50 per person) of the funds. If you were unable to attend this month’s meeting, please sign up to renew your membership next time you attend a club meeting or stop by the 8th Note in Oneonta between 12:30 and 5:30 Monday through Friday and ask for Chris.
- The December meeting (12/19) will be at Amanda and Josh’s house (directions to be posted later)
- A presentation on the hops shortage/blight will be presented by Nate and John at the December meeting
Note that I have the 15 minute presentation by Ben Wood on the magnificent Breumister programmable brew kettle. This presentation is in two parts, but the files are almost 1GB each, so they could not be e-mailed. Not sure the best way to post these for others in the club to see.