8 members in attendance, with many other “supporters”.
Discussion topics:
- As a reminder, next month’s beer style is going to be anything you want to bring. Also as a reminder, here is a list of the beer styles for the new few months:
- September: Bring Anything
- October: Fruit Beer
- November: Braggot
- December: Imperial Stout
- The Lion’s club charity event in October was discussed. The style will be Oktoberbest. If you haven’t signed up yet, please do so soon so we know who is coming.
- Upcoming Beer Festival: Cooperstown event on October 6th. Check out the link for more info: http://wzozfm.com/events-oneonta/eat-drink-cooperstown/06-october-2018-doubleday-field-parking-lot/
- A discussion about getting a big grain order was brought up. If you think you will be in the market for a 50 lb sack of grain at some point soon, please let us know. If we get enough people interested, you may be able to save a few bucks. Please contact the club if you are interested.
- The club has some left over stock of past charity event T-shirts and Sample Glasses. Please contact the club if you are interested in purchasing some.
- Beers (Beer of the Month entries a-d: Gose).
- Wes’ Gose. Kit beer with additional lemon juice and peel added. Very nice example of the style coming in at 4.2%.
- Matt’s Gose. Also and excellent representation of the style.
- Chris and Frank’s Cherry Gose. Pushing the limits with salt and sourness (52 ml of Lactic acid!).
- Matt’s Special Gin Barrel, Chili Lime Smoked Gose. His regular 6 gallon Gose was split in half and had ¼ cup of lime juice, lime zest, 3 smoked Hungarian wax peppers, Poblano peppers, and 2 ounces of gin barrel chips added. Lime predominant, with little gin flavor coming through. Damn good beer.
- Chris’ Oktoberfest. From a year ago, still retained some malt backbone.
- Chris’ IPA. 80% 2 row, and 5 total ounces of Citra and Centennial hops (all additions <45 minutes). Nice balance of malt and hops.
- Chris’ Coffee Stout. With 17 lbs of 2 Row (22 total lbs of fermentables in a 5 gallon batch), this baby will do you good. The addition of 1 lb of cold brewed coffee and lactose added for residual sweetness turns this into a “Breakfast of Champions” beer.
- Chris and Frank’s Pero Porter. Good Porter base, with the addition of Pero instant drink powder. The chicory flavor of the Pero was definitely strong…
- Jim’s Plumtastic Wine. The 15% ABV drinks more like a 6% as it has a sourpatch kids like flavor.
- Chris’ Peach Mead. Even though the peach flavor has subsided, it has aged well compared to the last time we tasted this (2 years ago).
- Wes’ Lemon Wine. While still young, this was super tasty. Served in the “Party Bottle” and aptly named “Complex Ordeal”, this was made with 8 lbs of cane sugar, 2 lbs of brown sugar, 6 lemons and some other secret ingredients.
- The September meeting will be at Alden’s house (255 White Hill Road, Oneonta, NY) on Saturday 9/22/18 at 1:00pm. The club will be doing a 50/50 raffle so bring your cash! The club will be buying the meat, so plan to bring a side dish if you can...as well as some homebrew!