Meeting was held at The Eighth Note in Oneonta on 5/18/18 at 6:30p.m. with 15 members in attendance
Discussion topics:
- As a reminder, next month’s beer style is going to be SMASH (Single Malt and Single Hop). Here is a list of the beer styles for the new few months:
- June: SMASH (Single Malt And Single Hop).
- July: Kolsch.
- August: Gose.
- September: Open
- October: Fruit Beer
- November: Braggot.
- December: Imperial Stout.
- The next charity fundraiser is going to be October 13 for the Lion’s Club tentatively at the Deer Haven campground pavilion in Oneonta. The beer styles for this competition are to be Oktoberfest, Marzan, or Alt beers. More details will follow in the coming months.
- The July HOPS club meeting is scheduled to be a Summer BBQ for Saturday, July 21st in the afternoon at Jim and Teresa’s house. More info to follow.
- Mike Duheme, Cider Master at Sauvage, conducted a test with the club as willing participants. The poll results had the following standings: 1. Made last September, 2. Made last week, and 3. Made in January. Seems the participants liked the cider either aged 8 months or fresh, but not as much in between.
- Beers (Beer of the Month: Porter)
- Commercial Example: Fuller’s London Porter – 19th century recipe brought back, classic English style porter with a dry finish
- Commercial Example – Founder’s Porter – An American style porter with a more roasted taste
- Commercial Example – Tired Hands Brewing – A lighter combination or roasted and chocolate malt
- Commercial Example – Sam Smith’s Taddy Porter – Very tasty example
- Jim’s Coke Bottle Glasses – Vanilla porter with 4 vanilla beans added
- Wes’ Porter – Came in at a robust 7.7% ABV and the grains were steeped and not added to the mash
- C&F Maple Porter – This 2013 version found in their basement had aged well
- C&F Porter – The new version of their porter was bitter from Pero, an instant beverage containing roasted barley, chicory, and rye
- Matt’s Paddle Winning Lager – Like his Russian Imperial Stout but without the Black Patent malts
- Alden’s Dunkel – Lagered at 38F
- Todd’s Hazelnut Brown – Used Brewer’s Hazelnut extract, though may try Baker’s Extract or crushed hazelnuts next time
- Josh Hammond’s Scotch Ale – Three years old as Josh left a keg in Chris C.’s garage. Very nice and sent a digital image to Josh as a thanks.
- Schmaltz Brewery Pastrami Brew – This beer would go well with some Rye bread and Grey Poupon.
- Mike brought some of his pear cider from Sauvage with a robust 12% ABV
- One of our home brewers, Jesse Spencer, recently broke his hip and it recovering at Chestnut Park Rehab and Nursing Center at 330 Chestnut Street in Oneonta. Visitors are appreciated.
- Next month’s meeting will be held at the American Legion at 279 Chestnut Street in Oneonta on Friday, June 15 at 6:30pm. This will be spaghetti night at the Legion for those who may choose to order dinner at that time.