Between 2 Big Brew Days and Roger Davidson’s, Council Rock Brewery Soft Openings, the Leatherstocking Region has seen its fair share of craft brewing! Pictures, Discussions, and Tastings of all three events are forthcoming!
This Month’s Meeting
May’s Brew Club Meeting will be held at our usual stomping grounds, My Father’s Place, this Friday Night @ 6:30pm. Last month, at the Junkyard Bakehaus, we learned some of the equipment, processes, and ingredients that go into All-Grain Brewing, for those interested in making the jump. (Check for the Malt Chart document posted in last month’s post). If anyone would like to spend 10 minutes teaching/explaining/discussing an aspect of brewing that is near and dear to their heart for this month’s meeting, please shoot me an email, and we’ll add you to the agenda.
As an aside, I have run into a few members in the community who are homebrewers/just started homebrewing that may want information about our club. The easiest way to get them involved, is to direct them to this website: They can simply “follow” the blog, and will receive email updates anytime new posts are added.
As per usual, be sure to bring:
1. Homebrews (if you got em) 36+ oz preferred.
2. Your Tasting Glass
3. Your constructively-critical taste.
Agenda Items:
1. Fall Tasting/Competition Options
(Ales for Tails/ HOPS for Opps/ Beers for Steers?? / Lagers for Joggers???)
2. Membership
(In order to create a democratic organization, we will establish membership for voting, structure, etc…The fees will be nominal, annual, and will go toward quality SWAG.)
3. BJCP Certification
The Beer Judging Certification Program is an extensive, exhaustive program that allows the homebrewer the opportunity to become a regional judge in all of the national homebrew competitions. Classes must be taught by a current, licensed BJCP judge, and there are a few in the Albany area. Those interested will take several courses and then have to pass 2 major examinations. Please contact if interested.
BBD 3.5
Here are a few Pics from the Big Brew Day 3.5 (American Brown Ale/ Southern English Brown Ale) that took place on May 5th, 2012!