(18) HOPS Members in attendance with about ten beers sampled
Many orders of business were discussed including:
- The HOPS for Hounds charity fund raiser and home brew competition is to take place on May 31 at Council Rock Brewery. Beer entries are to be in the styles of a Baltic Porter, Altbier, Dunkelweisen or Roggenbier. Please sign up on the website with your beer style entry.
- The winner of the HOPS for Hounds pre-tasting by the HOPS club members will win the coveted championship beer paddle (and we will have to pick this up from previous winner Josh Hammonds). The winner of the public vote will be honored by having their beer brewed at Council Rock and be part of their beer menu for sale to the public.
- The Word Press website is to be shut down, but the Weebly hopsbrewclub.com website is readily accessible.
- There were many interesting beers samples this meeting including the following:
- Chris offered up couple of bottles of his super aged 30 year old first beer he made from a kit beer. The malts seemed to have oxidized and it had a butterscotch/honey taste, but it was complemented by one of the samplers as “it is not the worst beer I’ve had this weekend”.
- Bob’s light Cluster Fluggle beer was tasty.
- Nate’s Pilsner was well done and will be on tap at Council Rock this summer.
- Roger provided some of the Council Rock brewery’s fine Belgian Pilsner.
- A triple IPA, Hopocalypse Now, was noted as “very cute”.
- There was an out of town guest (Dana) who brought along a commercial brewed beer to share from New Jersey, with the River Horse Brewery’s Belgian Freeze showing well.
- Wes’ Maple Braggot made 4 years ago with maple syrup and oak aged was well received.
- The presentation at the next meeting is to be on barley
- The April meeting will be on Friday, April 17 at 6:30 at My Father’s Place (to be confirmed) in Oneonta.